Claimable ERC-721


The ClaimableERC721 contract is an module that provides claim-based minting functionality for ERC-721 tokens. It includes features for setting claim conditions, validating claims via Merkle proofs, and handling signature-based claim requests. This contract ensures secure and controlled minting processes with the possibility of integrating primary sales.

Callback Functions

beforeMintERC721Callback function for the function. Executes actions before minting tokens, including validation of claim conditions and signature-based requests.

Fallback Functions

getSaleConfigReturns the sale configuration for a token, including the primary sale recipient.
setSaleConfigSets the sale configuration for a token, including the primary sale recipient. Requires manager role.
getClaimConditionReturns the claim condition for a token.
setClaimConditionSets the claim condition for a token. Requires minter role.
eip712DomainReturns the EIP-712 domain details.

Required Interfaces


Supported Interfaces

(No supported interfaces for this contract)